Practice and Learn.

Life is change. Everything is always shifting, changing and transforming.

Through practice and learning, we become the Alchemists of our own lives. Through practice and learning, we discover what is stable and trustworthy within ourselves and others as the world continues to spin around us. We practice opening our minds and hearts to the infinite number of perspectives, so that when we choose in any given moment, we do so from a place of freedom, intelligence and awareness.

Life is change, but life is also always choice.

Join me for 30 Days of reclaiming your presence…

30 Days of Mindfulness

June 2024

 On Demand.

Join me for more comprehensive experiences in learning and practicing.

These courses are intended to help you grow in your explorations by providing you with a more in-depth look at many relevant topics in holistic living. Choose a course that interests you, or tap into a monthly subscription and get access to all courses!

A journey into your internal landscapes PLUS a 1 hour personal consultation with Molly! A wonderful way to personalise this On-Demand experience and make it truly relevant for your journey.


Free Access.

Movement practices

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and choose from a variety of practices. Share with your friends and feel connected even from afar!

"Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of this moment." . -Rumi
Returning to flow... a slightly more vigorous practice

Lectures and Learning.

Go deeper in your understanding of yoga and the eastern healing traditions. Teacher trainings and Yoga of Life trainings are wonderful ways to access this type of learning, but you can begin here by subscribing to my YouTube channel!


Seeking to bring a deeper understanding of yoga to your practice. Join me for a series of short discussions to bring more clarity to the world of yoga.

Begin to explore how to incorporate the philosophy of yoga into your physical practice!