Renew, Restore, Restart

Join me February 4 - March 8, 2024 for a special online gathering.  

Renew, Restore, Restart is an exploration of the 5 Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine; deconstructing the complexity of life back to an elemental understanding. What does this mean in real time? An opportunity to investigate our spirit, emotions, habits, choices and actions and create a space within which we can recreate how we are living with awareness, choice and understanding.

There is plenty of learning to be had, but more importantly, we will be living the Elements in turn together each week through movement, meditation, breath-work, journaling, essential oils and simple considerations.  
It is a deep and joyful exploration, shared in community...
And you are invited!

The Program.

Following the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this program will incorporate general principles of TCM, the wisdom of yoga, meditation, breath work, and natural living to offer not only a profound experience but more importantly to give you practical tools that you can carry into your life for unlimited learning and exploration. 

Each week will begin on Sunday with a gathering via Zoom to set the theme and foundation for the week’s exploration.  Each following day, you will receive via email a daily practice and small considerations in the form of journal prompts, short meditations and even nutritional recommendations to help you bring the ideas that we are exploring alive in ‘real life’…ultimately helping you to awaken the ‘Yoga of Life’.   Each week will end on Friday with a Zoom satsang and sharing circle where you can share your experience, ask questions and most importantly feel connected! 

What to ‘bring’.

  • A journal dedicated to this experience

  • Zoom :)

  • A commitment to yourself that you will participate fully in the experience to get the most out of it!

  • doTERRA Essential oils (optional)

  • The willingness to have some fun!



We will meet via Zoom every Sunday from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm CST (US)

We will gather again via Zoom every Friday from 10:00 am - 11:00am CST (US)

During the week, you will be able to make your own schedule and timing as you move through the exploration, practices and suggestions. You will be invited to a community WhatsApp chat for sharing, motivation and support.

How Much?


The investment for this program is $333

€ 300

£ 285

(payable via Paypal, Venmo, Zelle or bank transfer)

Frequently Asked Questions

Why the Five Elements?

The elements describe how energy moves, behaves, and interacts.  In Traditional Chinese medicine, all experiences in life can be described as elemental tendencies and movements.  Exploring daily life through the kaleidoscope of the elements gives you a deeper understanding of why things are the way that they are and how you can feel more empowered to change the frequency of any given moment.  We deconstruct, feel into the moment, and then paint the vibrational picture that we want.  Through the elements you can move beyond the ‘descriptions and definitions’ and really get a feel for life as energy. 

Is it for me?

Would you like to learn more about a holistic approach to life?  Are you interested in creating more consistent wellness practices?  Would you like to feel more connected to nature?  Do you enjoy the physical practices of yoga but feel there might be something more?  Are you uncertain about yoga, but totally dig meditation and mindfulness?  Are you interested in energy?  Are you interested in how the movement of energy influences your experience in life?  Would you like to integrate your life more fully?  Are you interested in getting to know more about the mind / body / spirit connection?  Do you feel that it might be nice to have a little bit of time each day to come home to yourself?  Are you curious? 

 If you answered yes to any of these, then this experience is for you!

So, what will we be doing?

Each week you will explore a different element.  We begin by learning about the element, its qualities, its psychology, and the aspects of life that it governs.  Then we move out of the head and into an experience of the element as it shows up in our lives.  We will explore movement, meditation, breathwork, qi gong exercises, journaling, mindfulness exercises, essential oils, nutrition… all the way to drawing and dance parties.  Using these different portals and practices, you will explore and observe each element in turn while constructing a new tool kit for life.  You will also have access to the practices and lessons for one year after the course finishes, so you can return again and again to continue building and growing on your own time.  Sundays and Fridays we are live together on Zoom.  The rest of the week you create your own schedule and your own engagement.

I am not sure I have the energy to do a ‘course’ right now

This is more of an experience than a course.  While there is certainly plenty for you to chew on should you choose, you can also ride the wave and allow what lands to land and leave the rest for another time.  You will get out what you put in, but everyone’s 100% is a little bit different (even from moment to moment in each of our lives).  There is no exam at the end, there is no real destination or accomplishment to arrive to.  There is an opportunity, and you will shape it exactly as you need it in this moment.

“Molly creates an experience where we are each able to have our own unique journey, whatever that might be, and do so still feel connected and supported.  Each participant is invited to dive as deep or as shallow as they want into the course, and all discoveries along the way are celebrated.  The best part, though, is that you walk away feeling like you have new tools with which to navigate life.  I find myself returning to the experience and knowledge almost every day.” ~KB