Welcome to our global team of change makers, educators and leaders.

Are you ready to make a bigger impact? Are you passionate about natural solutions? Do you like the idea of supporting conscious consumerism and nature sustainability? Do you like the idea of empowering people and helping people live healthier more fulfilling lives?

That is what we do!

We are a global team of all types of professionals making a difference through education, empowerment, service and integrity. We are passionate about making a difference, supporting success and working together to make the world a better place for all.

There are many ways that you can partner with me, so let’s talk! I am on a mission to continue growing a global community of change makers and people who are truly interested in growing and succeeding together. I am excited to welcome you in!

  • Live the life.

    It all begins with your choice to ‘Live the Essential Life”. We, as a team and community, support each other in ‘walking the walk’. If you are not already living day to day with essential oils, reach out to get started. If you are already living with essential oils and still uncertain about how to use them as daily allies, jump in to one of our webinars! If your life has already been impacted positively by these magical oils, reach out to learn how you can get your oils paid for and become a force for good. IMPORTANT! We are an impact team, and everything that we do and create is in the spirit of service. If this resonates with you, you are in the right place!

  • Educate.

    Learn how to become an educator for natural health, non-toxic living and natural solutions for vibrant, healthy lives. Our team is comprised of many types of people and professionals that share a passion for natural solutions, and have benefited from incorporating essential oils into their lives and families. When you tap into something good and powerful, it is natural to want to share it! With our team you will have constant resources and support in becoming a leader in your community.

  • Empower.

    With the support of our global team, be a catalyst for positive change in your family, community and beyond. As with any business, there are tools that we share with people, but we do it through a vehicle of true empowerment and integrity. Share real tools that support individuals, families and communities to feel a sense of connection, a sense of hope and motivate us all to continue to contribute our talents and compassion with the world. As a partner Wellness Advocate, you can also get involved in service projects around the world, or better yet, get a matching grant for a project that you are passionate about. We start with our families, and expand outwards as much as you are inspired to…